Friday, October 25, 2013

Meg vs. Time: The Return of Facebook Friday

It's time to cut back on Facebook again. I am doing somewhat better at cleaning my house and keeping up on things, but the computer is an all-too-accessible distraction, and a constant stream of trivialities is killing my productivity. And my nap time. So in no particular order, here are today's gems from the internet:

1. My Imaginary Well Dressed Toddler Daughter. 

I find this Pinterest board hilarious. You can follow on Facebook, Instagram, etc. etc. as well. I think she just published a book, too.

2. On a very related note, this post about Restoration Hardware children's rooms is spot-on and pretty funny.

3. Yes this.

I put the diapers in the washer first thing yesterday morning, and finally put them in the dryer just before bedtime.

4. Food for thought on sleepovers. Not there yet with my kiddos, but I had a lot of awesome and not-so-awesome sleepover experiences growing up.

5. I heart C.S. Lewis.

6. Marvin J. Ashton is pretty swell too.

And that will do it for today. Happy Friday!

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