Saturday, January 21, 2012

Meg vs. The (non-existent) Library: Free Kindle books!

I have been trying harder to do at least some work on a project every day, per my goal. I have three cameras. All three have no battery, and I can't find chargers or batteries for any of them.

Sadly, this is not an unusual state for me. All the more reason to be persistent in getting this house together!

Since I can't take any pictures or share the ones I've already taken, here's something fun.

Have you seen how many free books you can get on Amazon? If you don't have a Kindle or another tablet, you can download Kindle for PC and read on your computer. So awesome.

Here is a sampling of the books I downloaded today:

Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know
Smart School Time Recipes
Organized Simplicity
How to Cook Healthy & Natural Snacks

Also, basically any classic book that is not in copyright (i.e. the author has been deceased for a long time) you can probably find for free on Kindle. I am currently reading Sherlock Holmes, and have Pride & Prejudice and A Journey to the Centre of the Earth in my lineup.

(Lest you think I read more than I do, I may or may not read these by the end of 2012. But getting them feeds my book addiction without using my money or taking up more space in the house I'm trying to de-clutter and organize!)

Yay for free!

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