Sunday, June 10, 2012

Meg vs. Very Little: Weekly Goals June 11-16

As you can probably tell by the complete lack of posts, this week did not go as planned. Here are my excuses very valid reasons:

It was very hot, and the hubs decided he wanted to clean out our room instead of cleaning out the backyard. That is what I get for setting goals for both of us... Our room looks awesome though.

We had a couple of family dinners and our boys had lots of cousin time. This required a lot of prep and recovery work.

We locked ourselves out of our house, which destroyed an entire morning. Had to go pick up the key from my sister in Napa.

I am pregnant. This trumps all other excuses.

Anyhoo, here's the report:

June 7-9

Thursday: Do some serious weeding/clearing in the back yard. Make a plan for the yard with the hubs.

I realize this is nearly impossible to see, but it's my only proof. This took longer than I expected, because we had to go through each tree and plant and decide which would go and which would stay. My default position is that things should go, John's default is that they should stay. But we finally came to an agreement. Let's hope it looks better than my drawing in real life!
Friday: Paint one last coat on the dresser. Start stripping the old interior doors.

Saturday: More door stripping. Spray finish on the dresser.

June 11-16
Monday: Paint last coat on the dresser. Work on organizing/rotating kids' clothes.

Tuesday: Spray finish on the dresser. Clean out the fridge.

Wednesday: Take at least one box of junk from the garage to the thrift store.

Thursday: Fill the green waste bin (weeding, de-tree-ing, raking leaves, etc.)

Friday: Clean out master closet, rotate regular and maternity clothes.

Saturday: Paint at least one of the hallways.

1 comment:

  1. Pregnancy does trump all other excuses. I love the plan for the back yard - it means that now you've gotten far enough that you need to know where you're going! Love it.
